Tongue & Lip Tie:
After Care
Tongue & Lip Tie: After Care
Phew! You’re through the hard part and your child has completed their release appointment. We know it can be hard to go through any medical procedure with a little one and want to give you encouragement that your child is off to a great start healing. Below you’ll find a guide for their recovery. If you’d rather, you can download a PDF version of these instructions:
The goal is to have the area heal and re-form as far back as possible to give the most mobility to your child. Here are a few things to do to have the best outcome from the procedure:
Tongue Tie Release
Begin stretches. With a clean or gloved finger push down behind the teeth (or gums) into the floor of the mouth. With FIRM, but GENTLE pressure, swipe up the tongue along the diamond, lifting and holding the tongue for 10 seconds.
TIP! Focus on stretching & lengthening the whole diamond to avoid reattachment.
Repeat the exercises 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
The healing process can be a difficult time for your child. Try these age appropriate tricks to help keep it light and playful.
Infants: Use “cold yummies” to help soothe, for example, breastmilk popsicles or cold teething
toys. Tickle their gums on the left and right to promote exploration of their tongue.
Child: Encourage the child to move their tongue as much as possible.
- Practice fun “tongue exercises”
- Stick their tongue out (at you
) and move it left to right
- Clean the teeth
- Make clicking noises
The goal is for the lip to heal well and be able to lift as high as possible.
Lip Tie Release
Lift the lip up as high as possible so it presses against the nose. You want to see the diamond open up and lengthen. Afterwards massage under the lip with gentle pressure.
Repeat the exercise above 3 times a day for 3 weeks. Ensuring you’re stretching the area for your child is the key to proper healing.
Tongue Tie Release
Lip Tie Release
The goal is to have the area heal and re-form as far back as possible to give the most mobility to your child. Here are a few things to do to have the best outcome from the procedure:
The goal is for the lip to heal well and be able to lift as high as possible.
Begin stretches. With a clean or gloved finger push down behind the teeth (or gums) into the floor of the mouth. With FIRM, but GENTLE pressure, swipe up the tongue along the diamond, lifting and holding the tongue for 10 seconds.
TIP! Focus on stretching & lengthening the whole diamond to avoid reattachment.
Lift the lip up as high as possible so it presses against the nose. You want to see the diamond open up and lengthen. Afterwards massage under the lip with gentle pressure.
Repeat the exercises 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
The healing process can be a difficult time for your child. Try these age appropriate tricks to help keep it light and playful.
Infants: Use “cold yummies” to help soothe, for example, breastmilk popsicles or cold teething
toys. Tickle their gums on the left and right to promote exploration of their tongue.
Child: Encourage the child to move their tongue as much as possible.
- Practice fun “tongue exercises”
- Stick their tongue out (at you
) and move it left to right
- Clean the teeth
- Make clicking noises
Repeat the exercise above 3 times a day for 3 weeks. Ensuring you’re stretching the area for your child is the key to proper healing.
Exercises may cause a little bleeding when stretching. Don’t worry, this is expected. But if you’re concerned, please give us a call at 970.224.3600, we’re here for you every step of the way in your recovery. We encourage you to find ways to make it fun for your child and keep it light and playful.