Tongue & Lip Tie Glossary

a. Tongue Tie (Ankyloglossia): Imagine a tiny band under your baby’s tongue that’s too tight, limiting their tongue’s movement and making feeding challenging—this is tongue tie.

b. Lip Tie: This occurs when the tissue connecting your baby’s upper lip to the gum is too thick or tight, causing difficulty with latching and oral hygiene.

c. Frenulum (Frenum): A small but mighty fold of tissue that anchors the tongue or lip, playing a crucial role in your baby’s ability to move their mouth properly.

d. Frenectomy: A simple procedure that frees the tight tissue, allowing your baby’s tongue or lip to move more freely, improving feeding and comfort.

e. Laser Frenectomy: A cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment using a laser to gently release the frenulum, offering a quick recovery with less pain and bleeding.

f. Frenotomy: A quick snip of the tight frenulum, providing immediate relief and improved mobility for better feeding and speech.

g. Frenuloplasty: A more involved procedure that reshapes the frenulum for severe cases, ensuring optimal movement and function for your child.

h. Lactation Consultant: Your personal breastfeeding coach, specialized in overcoming tongue and lip tie challenges to help your baby latch and feed successfully.

i. Feeding Therapy: Guided sessions with experts to strengthen your baby’s mouth muscles and coordination, ensuring a smoother feeding experience.

j. Oral Motor Skills: The vital movements of the mouth, lips, tongue, and jaw that your baby needs for effective feeding and clear speech.

k. Local Anesthesia: A safe, numbing medication that keeps your baby comfortable and pain-free during a frenectomy.

l. Post-Operative Care: The essential aftercare steps to ensure your baby heals well and gains the full benefits of the procedure.

m. Reattachment: When the frenulum tries to grow back together post-procedure; with proper exercises, we can prevent this and ensure lasting results.

n. Speech Development: The journey your child embarks on to learn how to talk clearly, which can be greatly improved with a free-moving tongue or lip.

o. Latch: The magical moment when your baby attaches perfectly to the breast, ensuring effective and comfortable feeding—often improved after treating tongue or lip tie.

Understanding these terms empowers you to make informed decisions for your baby’s health and well-being.